Wednesday I got under the knife to have my collarbone repaired. It went smoothly.
I went in first thing in the morning. After hours of line-ups,and patience the knife went down at 3 o'clock. I will admit that I was nervous, as one should be. As it turns out my surgeon is an avid cycling fan, so I knew he would be taking special care.
I came to about an hour later. At this point I had enough drugs in me that i could have been sold on the black market. In other words not allot of pain. Over the next several hours this would all change as I came of the worst bender ever.
Stuart Lynn picked me up from the hospital at 6 and drove me home. Big thanks Stuart. From here on my night got progressively worse. First the nausea, which was unfortunate because i had not eaten in 24 hours and now could barely keep down toast. Then as the drugs faded I knew i was in for a rough night.
I pulled through, and have spent my day watching movies. If I remain still my body produces only a dull roar as it considers the titanium in my shoulder. I have to say I am about 50% less pain than last night. The doctor said the first 2 days would be the worst. I believe him, but also I hope at this rate to be sleeping tonight.
I cannot thank Scott and Sara enough. If not for them I would be surviving off cereal and microwave dinners. I swear to repay as soon as I can.
Training shall be based solely on feel,
while racing shall be guided by sensations and instinct.
Cuylar Conly