Friday, April 29, 2011


Today I hardly left the couch.  My day has consisted of several movies and allot of internet trolling.  In fact it was almost like a sick day.  Except for the fact that I am not sick, and so I feel a little guilty.   I was feeling a little worn down.  The only activity I have done today is to wash my bike and ride it around the block.  I think I am bringing a whole new meaning to the term "Rest Hard".  To be honest though I feel like this is just what I needed. 

The last few days have had me feeling a little displaced.  I raced twice on the weekend.  Not much to note.  Mentally I was not fully there and so physically I suffered.  Then a couple Easter celebrations, which were awesome.  Then Monday I hit the ground running back to work and full training.  Trouble was I was beginning to feel as if my house existed only for sleeping in and not for living in.

So today I went about the task of ironing the couch.  I have done a pretty good job of that, and I think its safe to say that my house is starting to smell like home.  Now that I am feeling grounded and settled, it will be much easier to focus on what really counts.  Training hard and racing my bicycle.  Now if you will excuse me I have to go find out whether Tyrone or Kevin is the father of Molly's baby.

Training shall be based solely on feel,
while racing shall be guided by sensations and instinct.

Cuylar Conly

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